Computational Civil Engineering

Numerische Brandsimulationen / Fire Simulations

Hinweis: Da diese Veranstaltung auch in einem englischsprachigen Studiengang angeboten wird, ist die Veranstaltungssprache Englisch.



Fire simulations gained a crucial position in fire safety science and engineering. They are capable to predict smoke and fire dynamics in a wide range of applications: like assessment of life safety, heat flux on building structures, or prediction of flame spread.


This lecture focuses on CFD (computational fluid dynamics) based methods and outlines the involved chemical and physical processes as well as the needed numerical schemes. The practical exercises are used to demonstrate the application and validity of the simulation software FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator). The main emphasis is put on the assessment of plausibility and validity of the results.


This lecture is split into two parts (plus an optional project) that can and should be visited simultaneously:

  • Numerische Brandsimulationen / Fire Simulations I (FSI), 2LP: Main lecture and exercises, that cover all topics. This lecture can be visited without the need to visit the second part.
  • Numerische Brandsimulationen / Fire Simulations II (FSII) 2LP: Additional and advanced topics that extend the first part. This lecture should be visited along with the first part.
  • Numerische Brandsimulationen – Project (2 LP): An optional project handed out at the end of the semester.

Master Courses

The two lectures are part of the following master courses with different roles:

  • Sicherheitstechnik / Safety Engineering: First part is mandatory, second part is optional.
  • Bauingenieurwesen / Civil Engineering: Both parts are optional. An additional project at the end of the semester can be conducted to fulfil the requirements for the full 6LP module.
  • Computer Simulation in Science: Both parts (I+II) are mandatory.

Further Informations

The registration in moodle is mandatory!

The course will start on 12. April 2024, please register in moodle to receive short term announcements.

  • All materials are provided via moodle, there will be no password needed to register
  • The lecture script is available here
  • You will have to have access to a computer in order to do the exercises
  • For further information, please contact Lukas Arnold: arnold[at]

Time Table

The lectures and exercises will take place:

  • FSI: Fridays 14:15 – 15:45, HC.01.38
  • FSII: Fridays 16:00 – 17:30, HC.01.38

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